Send a patriotic and peaceful tribute to a beloved veteran with this truly original red, white and blue arrangement of roses, snapdragons, delphinium, carnations and more. Elegantly arranged by our florists in a classic vase to send your condolences to the home or the service.
Graceful red, white and blue floral arrangement of roses, snapdragons, delphinium, carnations, daisy poms, mini carnations and monte casino, gathered with variegated pittosporum
Hand-designed by our expert florists in a stylish clear glass cylinder vase wrapped with a Ti leaf ribbon; vase measures 6"H
Appropriate for the service or the home of friends and family members to honor the passing of a military veteran
Large arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 17"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 16"L
Small arrangement measures approximately 14"H X 15"L
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and vase may vary due to local availability
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