Precious Petals Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

A radiant celebration of faith, this bright bouquet of cheerful orange and pink blooms surrounds a reverent crystal cross keepsake. A precious addition to any special occasion. A radiant celebration of faith, this bright bouquet of cheerful orange and pink blooms surrounds a reverent crystal cross keepsake. A precious addition to any special occasion. A radiant celebration of faith, this bright bouquet of cheerful orange and pink blooms surrounds a reverent crystal cross keepsake. A precious addition to any special occasion. Pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, light orange gerberas, and yellow miniature carnations are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, galax leaves, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered with Teleflora's Crystal Cross keepsake. Pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, light orange gerberas, and yellow miniature carnations are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, galax leaves, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered with Teleflora's Crystal Cross keepsake. Pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, light orange gerberas, and yellow miniature carnations are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, galax leaves, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered with Teleflora's Crystal Cross keepsake. Orientation: One-Sided

Precious Petals Bouquet



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