Sleigh Bells Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Sleigh bells ring! Sliding into the season in a vintage metal sleigh with rustic antique finish and pull rope, this lush mix of snow white roses and winter greens delivers classic Christmas style! Sleigh bells ring! Sliding into the season in a vintage metal sleigh with rustic antique finish and pull rope, this lush mix of snow white roses and winter greens delivers classic Christmas style! White spray roses, miniature red carnations, and white button spray chrysanthemums are accented with flat cedar, grevillea and huckleberry. Delivered in Teleflora's Vintage Sleigh. Sleigh bells ring! Sliding into the season in a vintage metal sleigh with rustic antique finish and pull rope, this lush mix of snow white roses and winter greens delivers classic Christmas style! White spray roses, miniature red carnations, and white button spray chrysanthemums are accented with flat cedar, grevillea and huckleberry. Delivered in Teleflora's Vintage Sleigh. Sleigh bells ring! Sliding into the season in a vintage metal sleigh with rustic antique finish and pull rope, this lush mix of snow white roses and winter greens delivers classic Christmas style! Orientation: All-Around

Sleigh Bells Bouquet



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