Picked fresh from the farm to create a bright burst of color set to delight your special recipient, the Southwest Chic Bouquet has a unique charm and grace that they are sure to adore. Hand gathered succulent stems, which are a type of cactus, this stunning set of bouquets has been picked fresh for you to help you celebrate a birthday, or send your get well, thank you, or congratulation wishes. Bouquets include: sunflowers, fuchsia dianthus, purple statice, succulents, and lush greens.
Repurpose your succulent by taking off bamboo skewer to create a stem. Place in container with drainage or add some small pebbles at the bottom. Succulent roots do not like to sit in water. Or, add an inch of cactus/succulent potting mix soil. Water a 1/2 cup per succulent. Allow the soil to dry out between watering.
Mason jar(s) included
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